As millions join the ranks of the unemployed, the choice between food and rent becomes all the more pressing. Drawing from the international rent strike slogan “Food not Rent” we commemorated this years International Workers’ Day with the slogan “Caviar not Rent,” on our flag outside Luna6. We don’t only want live but live well. As workers and renters, we don’t only want to be exploited less, but not exploited as such. We do not want to be used as workers or renters, but rather to contribute to this world according to our capabilities, desires, needs and pleasures.
Although there isn’t a tenants movement in Lithuania to organize demands for rent cancellations and eviction freezes, a simple measure that can be taken is asking landlords for rent reductions. Were happy to announce that Luna6 received a rent reduction after an effort was made to approach the landlord. Below you can find a template letter that can be used for writing to to your residential landlord.
Dear x
We hope you're keeping well in these really strange and fast-changing circumstances! We're watching developments about COVID-19 very closely and are, as you might imagine, really concerned. We work in ________ and live paycheck to paycheck each month. We’re going to be earning much less over the coming months. We rarely have more than one month’s rent available at any one moment.
[add more details about your situation - make it as personal as you feel comfortable to]
For these reasons, we kindly request a rent reduction and eviction suspension until the situation improves. Many of our community members are in a similar situation, we need your help to promote the health and stability of our communities. We hope that the mortgage holiday that has been offered for all landlords may help you financially in this task.
We hope, for ourselves and for everyone's sake, that life becomes more stable as soon as possible. Until then, it seems all we can do is be pragmatic, avoid panic, and support each other as best we can. We hope you can consider this. Do let us know if speaking on the phone would be helpful.